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Health Care Professionals
Nursing Education Program
Undergraduate and graduate student nurses participate in a school-based fieldwork assignment (full or part-time basis) under the supervision of a certified school nurse. Students will have an opportunity to collaborate with special educators and therapists, and gain experience with a varied population of students with multiple disabilities and developmental delays.
Infants and toddlers with disabilities and developmental delays; Students eligible for Special Education and Related Services; Ages birth – 14 years
This field placement uses a case study approach to learning about the role of the school nurse in working in the special education environment.
Program features
- Comprehensive orientation to P.G. Chambers School programs and services
- Information and education on the role of the school nurse at P.G. Chambers School
- In-depth information and education on neurology and assignment to observe one or more children (based on length of placement). Children selected have different and multiple disabilities, providing exposure to the wide range of disabilities (physical, neurological, genetic, medical, and other) of the students who attend the school.
- Concentrated observations of students
- Discussion and feedback
Helpful Coursework
- Human growth and development
- School nursing
- Special education
Professional Organization
For more information about NJ requirements for school nurse certification, please check the following website: www.njssna.org
For more information, please contact nursing@chambersschool.org
Quote from student nurse
“I learned more than I can write here from my experience, and I will never forget the experience. My personal attitude shifted, over the course of my internship, from one of sympathetic caregiver to enabling caregiver, who wants to empower students. I learned that what students need is not pity from anyone. Rather, they need empowerment; they need an environment in which they thrive. P.G. Chambers School does a wonderful job of identifying students’ strengths, and developing those strengths such that students discover their full potential. “
Medical Resident Community Placements or Electives
Medical residents from surrounding hospitals and medical centers choose P.G. Chambers School for their elective community placements. The program allows for one to two residents to collaborate with the nursing department at the school, gaining experience and understanding of children with disabilities and providing valuable medical expertise and input to the nursing staff, the school team, and families. The length of time for the elective varies, and P.G. Chambers School makes every effort to accommodate elective schedules.
Infants and toddlers with disabilities and developmental delays; Students eligible for Special Education and Related Services; Ages birth – 14 years
This placement uses a collaborative approach to learning and sharing information among the P.G. Chambers School staff, families, and the medical residents. The residents work closely with the director of nursing to learn about children with disabilities and how disabilities affect learning, growth, and development. Other key components are consultation with our visiting physiatrist, providing in-service training for the P.G. Chambers School staff, and working with families.
Program Features
- Comprehensive orientation to P.G. Chambers School programs and services
- With parental permission, in-depth review of individual children’s medical charts, diagnosis information, and educational plan
- Significant time observing selected students in the classroom. Children selected have different and multiple disabilities, providing exposure to the wide range of disabilities (physical, neurological, genetic, medical, and other) of the students who attend the school. Over the course of the placement, residents observe 5-6 students.
- Consultation with the student’s team, nursing department, and families to provide feedback on medical and health related concerns and issues and contribute to planning the child’s program.
- Consultation with visiting physiatrist
“The experience I had and continue to have with the students at P.G. Chambers School is like no other taught in any book, or given by any esteemed lecturer. To spend even a small amount of time in the lives of this special group of kids gives one insight into various disabilities, disorders and anomalies of the human body and mind. However, the real value in spending time with the students at P.G. chambers School is to witness firsthand what it’s like for these children to live, thrive and truly inspire others while utilizing countless other less obvious gifts.”
-Dr. Anson Koshy
“This affiliation actually went beyond meeting my personal objectives. I will definitely endorse this rotation to my co-residents. Working so closely with children with disabilities and the school staff gave me a deeper appreciation for facilities like PGCS. Your school has plenty of amazing stories that all inspire me to do good as a doctor.”
-Dr. Karen Gorospe’s statement about her pediatric elective time spent at PGCS. Drs. Anson Koshy and Karen Gorospe, are MMH pediatric residents, who chose PGCS to do one of their pediatric community electives.
For more information, please contact nursing@chambersschool.org