
5 Questions with Unjeria C. Jackson, M.D., President, P.G. Chambers School Board of Trustees

20.11.2013     PGCS   No comments

5 Questions with Unjeria C. Jackson, M.D., President, P.G. Chambers School Board of Trustees

1. What brought you to P.G. Chambers School and how did you get involved with the Board of Trustees?

After retiring from the medical profession in 2005, trustees, Bill Haskel and Cathy Walsh, invited me to the school for a tour in early 2006. I instantly fell in love. The smiles, the warmth and the happiness of the children and the capable staff were so welcoming. Soon after my tour, I was asked to join the Board of Trustees, accepting the invitation without hesitation.

2. What is your greatest wish for the future of the school?

As we approach the school’s 60th anniversary, my wish for the school is another 60 years of financial security. With financial security, we can continue to provide cutting-edge academic and support services, advances in technology and related services that will continue our mission of “discovering the unique potential within every child”.


3. What is your biggest challenge as President of the Board of Trustees?

Although we have exceptional board retention, one of the biggest challenges is the recruitment of talented trustees to ensure the future well-being of the school. As a board, we also need to be sure that we keep focused on the school’s strategic plan so that our initiatives are in line with the ultimate goal of improving outcomes for children with disabilities.

4. Can you describe one moment that particularly stands out in your mind of the school?

A moment that resonates with me is the recent visit with our students and their artist mentors from Solo(s) Project House. We walked into the library and previewed the art projects prior to the gallery exhibition in Newark. That was a special moment for me. I was so impressed by the fantastic program and partnership between the Solo(s) Project House and PGCS, as well as feeling enormous pride over how enthusiastic and proud the students themselves were of their work. That’s what we are about!

5. As a trustee, what would you want people to know about the PGCS Board of Trustees?

Even though the board is relatively small in number, we are strong in leadership, hard work and dedication. Each member understands his or her charge and guards the well-being of the school. They are passionate and truly concerned about each student, staff member and program of the school. All board members are volunteers and give their time and energy to support the school in every way they can. I am honored to be among this fantastic group of trustees.

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