Dear P.G. Chambers School Community:
Based on the increase of community spread over the weekend and our fragile community we have conferred with the Health Department and feel it is best to close the School Program for a minimum of 2 weeks. Kids Count Child Care and Early Intervention will remain open. We will monitor the situation continuously with the Health Department and keep you informed.
For the School Program, remote learning will begin on Wednesday, March 18th. Remote learning packets will be available for parent pick up from noon to 5 pm on Monday and 8 am to 5 pm on Tuesday. Monday and Tuesday will be used by staff to continue preparation for remote learning. These days will be considered to be the equivalent of snow days in the school calendar.
For our Kids Count families, please know that the program remains open with normal hours. Please do not send your children to Kids Count, however, if they have any fever or cold or flu symptoms. We are reiterating this same advice and expectation to our staff.
For our Early Intervention families, our program remains open. Please communicate with your practitioner, however, if you have any changes in your family’s health status. Our practitioners will do the same.
We encourage everyone to follow the public health guidance which has been widely disseminated. Our concern for our children’s and staff members’ health remains our top priority. We will continue to communicate any new information.
Thank you very much.
Patty Sly
Executive Director
P.G. Chambers School
15 Halko Drive
Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927
(973) 829-8484