P.G. Chambers School Auxiliary: A Caring Tradition
The P.G. Chambers School Auxiliary was founded more than thirty-five years ago by a small group of enthusiastic volunteers who joined forces to raise funds for students at P.G. Chambers School, affectionately dubbed “our kids”. “Our dynamic, highly successful development department has its roots in the original efforts of the Auxiliary, and takes direction from their dedication.”, explains Susan Seamans, Executive Director.
The Auxiliary is a membership organization and year dues help suppport its operation. The executive committee meets the first Wednesday of each month at the school and works year-round to generate funds for their gifts to the school. Their exciting fundraising activities include spring and fall NYC theater trips to popular Broadway shows and the annual NYC Holiday Lights tour in December. In addition, the members organize an annual pie sale at Thanksgiving, a non-event fundraising project in the spring. Their annual luncheon at the school in the early summer provides members with an opportunity to make social connections and spread goodwill, the heart and soul of the Auxiliary.
This June the auxiliary celebrated the end of another school year with their luncheon at the school where, Mitzi Szerlip, President, and Jeanne Nichols, Secretary, presented Susan Seamans, with a major gift to the school. The lovely afternoon ended with a musical performance for the luncheon guests by the middle school students, under the direction of Margey Dwyer, music teacher.
The Auxiliary welcomes new members and encourages participation on the executive committee. For more information about joining the P.G. Chamber School Auxiliary, please contact Jeanne Nicholas at (973) 539-7115.