ABC’s of Assistive Technology at P.G. Chambers School

March 05, 2013

ABC’s of Assistive Technology at P.G. Chambers School

Technology simplifies life, provides information, and expands communication. At P.G. Chambers School, technology is everywhere from Smart Boards, to iPads, to laptops, to Dynavox Voice Synthesizers. Our staff is dedicated to providing state-of-the-art education and therapies, creating an environment for our students to excel and discover their own unique potential.

In addition to mainstream technology, we use assistive technology throughout our programs. Assistive Technology is any physical adaptation made to the student’s environment to maximize their access to the curriculum. From a very low-tech solution as simple as a gel grip on a pencil that will help a student write clearly, to an iPad, programed with Proloquo2Go, a software that gives voice to a child without speech, mounted on student’s wheelchair. Assistive technology changes the way children learn and teachers teach.

We invite our social media friends and followers to join the conversation. In the coming weeks, we will be introducing Technology Tuesday through our social media outlets. Every other Tuesday, the PGCS Technology Task Force will be sharing tips, tricks, and information about Technology at PGCS. Stay tuned, we are really excited about our Social Media ABC’s and hope that you are too. Visit us at and click “LIKE” to read more about Technology at PGCS.

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