P.G. Chambers School Welcomes New Principal Bonnie Lau

September 05, 2024
P.G. Chambers School

P.G. Chambers School is thrilled to announce the appointment of Bonnie Lau as its new principal. Ms. Lau is replacing Heather Gilliland, who is retiring after serving as vice principal and principal for 19 years.

Ms. Lau brings a wealth of experience and a strong commitment to educating students with disabilities. She previously served as the Director of Special Services in Asbury Park, NJ, and has held principal positions at two other Approved Private Schools for Students with Disabilities: ARC Kohler School and Deron School.

“We will uphold the tradition of excellence at P.G. Chambers School, fostering a joyful environment dedicated to teaching and learning,” said Bonnie Lau. “Here, parents and school districts can confidently place their children, knowing that their goals will be met, and their potential will be realized.”

Ms. Lau holds multiple degrees from Boston College and New York University, has participated in Northwestern University’s Accelerate Institute, and served as a Distinguished Fulbright teaching scholar in Washington, D.C., and London, England.

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