
Looking Back and Celebrating the Power of 60!

30.10.2014     PGCS   No comments

P.G. Chambers School is proud to have provided 60 years of education and therapy services to children with disabilities. Throughout this 60th anniversary celebration year, we are highlighting our past as well as our future. We searched through our archives and uncovered two pieces of history from the REACH OUT newsletter, published for P.G. Chambers School, formerly know as Rehabilitation Center for the Handicapped, in 1990.

reaching out

looking back

How can you become a part of our history?

All it takes is a small group of dedicated people to make a difference. Celebrate our anniversary by being a “power player”. It’s as simple as making a gift to P.G. Chambers School and passing the word on to 6 friends. The more friends we have to celebrate, the more children’s lives we can touch.

Click here for more information on the Power of 60 Anniversary Campaign, to make a donation, and to learn how you can become a Power Player!  #powerof60 

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