
With Heartfelt Thanks by Valerie Bialous, PGCS Guest Blogger

11.09.2014     PGCS   No comments

Dear Friends and Colleagues:
I am overwhelmed and overcome by your generosity and caring that you have shown me over the years and now as I begin a new chapter of mValeriey life.

You have done so much to help shape me into the person I am today.It has been my pleasure to be a part of the P.G. Chambers School family …… it is a place where we support each other and continually work to help better the lives of the children and families we serve.

I am so proud to have been a part of such a dedicated and passionate staff. I will treasure the memory book and look back fondly on the early intervention adventures and times we shared. I will keep a special place for each of you in my heart.

With heartfelt thanks,

Click here to read more about Valerie and her dedication to P.G. Chambers School in our Legacies Tribute.


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