
Early Childhood

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Early Childhood

At P.G. Chambers School (PGCS), the high expectations set for all students begin in the early childhood programs. As in other programs, children exhibit a diversity of knowledge based on differences in development, cultural background, and previous learning experiences. The early childhood programs teach developmental skills through active play. Play allows children to explore their surroundings, learn important social concepts such as turn-taking, expressing themselves effectively, developing confidence for trying new things, and solving problems in a safe, supportive environment. The PGCS team of early childhood educators and therapists use child-initiated play to promote appropriate social skills and language modeling when interacting with young children.

Early Intervention

Early intervention provides support and services for children, birth to 3, with developmental delays and disabilities and their families. Intervention builds upon natural learning opportunities that occur within the daily routine of a child and their family. Services are based on each child and family’s individual needs and may include the following: educational interventions, social work, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. P.G. Chambers School also offers child and family group opportunities and an assistive technology program.


Young children with disabilities, three to five years of age, are enrolled in PGCS when their local school district child study team and their parents decide that PGCS is the most appropriate educational setting to meet their needs. PGCS is an approved Private School placement for young students with disabilities and developmental delays. Classes include special instruction and extra individualized therapy. Children attend full-day sessions to help them develop the play, social, and basic readiness skills that will provide a foundation for future success in school.

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