
Speech Therapy

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Speech and Communication

All children must be able to communicate their thoughts and ideas and understand words, directions and thoughts and ideas of others.

At P.G. Chambers School, students interact with their friends, teachers, and therapists throughout their school day with opportunities to express themselves. Each student can ask questions and discuss ideas with expert support, as needed, from speech therapists and collaborative school teams. Children’s voices are heard, supported, and encouraged during class lessons, as well as in chance meetings in the hallway, at lunch, recess, and during play.

Very often the students’ communication skills include a combination of verbal and nonverbal language, the priority is to ensure that each child has an effective means of communication. Through speech and language therapy in the classrooms and in individual sessions, students learn to use a wide variety of communication modes, including:

  • verbal language
  • gestures
  • sign language
  • pictures
  • augmentative alternative communication

PGCS students who do not have verbal language, can increase their autonomy and improve their self-confidence in language and communication with the help of adaptations and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC).

For further information contact speech therapy director, Sarah Vitale at vitales@chambersschool.org

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