Menus’ Fashion Show with PGCS alumni and Lauren Weisberger, author of The Devil Wears Prada, at Menus for the Mind Spring Luncheon!
Lauren Weisberger, author of the Devil Wears Prada, PGCS alumni, Caitlyn, Robert, and Victoria, and Bloomingdale’s Short Hills amazed the audience at the 21st annual Menus for the Mind Spring Luncheon on Thursday, May 5, 2016 at The Park Avenue Club in Florham Park.
On May 5, 2016 our mission was at the heart of our Menus for the Mind Spring Luncheon – giving our guests the opportunity to see first-hand what “helping children lead full, productive lives, develop confidence in their own abilities, and engage fully and frequently in the community” means for our students at P.G. Chambers School. PGCS Alumni, Caitlyn, Robert, and Victoria styled looks for their own fashion show with a community friend, Bloomingdale’s at the Short Hills Mall. PGCS alumni attend Roxbury High School- which offers public high school option for students with disabilities. All three students have completed major projects in fashion at Roxbury.
PGCS alum, Victoria, talked with the guests using her augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) or voice output device, saying, “I attended P.G. Chambers for eleven years. In fifth grade I organized a fashion show with the help of Mrs. Gilliland and another former student. I was so excited, because that was my first experience with fashion. I will be attending CCM for fashion merchandise. After attending college I planned to become a personal stylist.” Victoria is fulfilling her hopes and dreams, as she continues to discover her unique potential, just as we hoped she would
As guest speaker, Lauren Weisberger, toured the school; she was simply amazed at the children and staff. She said, “I read, and researched, but nothing was quite as powerful as walking down the hallways and seeing the driving passion of the teachers and therapists, and the students glowing with happiness- it was breathtaking.”
For the past 21 years, Menus for Mind has been the signature fundraising event for P.G. Chambers School ( In addition to raising the awareness of the school and its mission, Menus has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to provide new technologies, curriculum, specialized equipment, and materials to students with disabilities.
Our 21st Menus for the Mind Lecture Luncheon Series proved to be the most successful, raising $225,000. Thank you to all of our supporters and friends who made this a reality for the students of P.G. Chambers School.