Be Proud of Yourself by Ryan Ahearn, PGCS Guest Blogger

August 30, 2011

Dear P.G. Chambers School Staff,

It has taken me awhile to put my thoughts together to truly express what working with all of you has meant to me.  I’ve found that I have had the greatest success in my life by speaking honestly and from the heart so I am going to do my best to share that with all of you. Let me start by saying that working at P.G. Chambers School has been a tremendously positive experience for me.  The support each of you has given me is unbelievable and I truly appreciate all the time we have spent together.  Your talents, enthusiasm, and drive have inspired me to meet challenges I could never have accomplished on my own.  

The past two years have flown by faster than I could have imagined and I had the opportunity to see so many of our students and staff members accomplish amazing goals.  I am so thankful to have been part of so many great teams and task forces along with the Occupational Therapy department.  It was great to have the opportunity to work with so many different people throughout the school and I felt welcomed by all.  I know that I no longer work there but I still don’t feel like I have left P.G. Chambers School and I probably never will.  If there is one thing I can leave each of you with it is to be proud of yourselves.  Whether your day is particularly rewarding, exhausting, or something in between; what you do is amazing because you put all of yourselves into it and trust me it shows.   I will always be proud to have worked with each and every one of you. 

I truly believe in the ability of P.G. Chambers School to change lives and I had the opportunity to see it happen everyday.  Thank you all for the confidence and support you have given me.  I will never forget my experience and the friends I have made.

With love,


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