New Playgrounds Open for Students

P.G. Chambers school new playground dedicated in 2023
November 07, 2023

On October 26, 2023, donors joined the P.G. Chambers School community for the ribbon cutting of two newly named playgrounds.

Support for the Playground Renovation Project was led by the Dorothy B. Hersh Foundation, who made a transformative $100,000 gift. Additional major donations were made by the ADP Foundation and Ilene and Bruce Jacobs. The Project addresses multiple shortcomings by adding more accessible equipment, replacing the safety surface, and providing shade.

“We are grateful to all the supporters, including the Dorothy B. Hersh Foundation, for their donations that made this playground renovation possible,” said Katie Olsen, development director of P.G. Chambers School. “Our hope is that these improvements will make it possible for our children to enjoy the new playgrounds, inspiring student movement, discovery, and independence.”

Deb Hughes, a Board Member for P.G. Chambers School and a Senior Vice President at ADP, led the ribbon cutting for the first playground. Ilene and Bruce Jacobs, who are grandparents of a P.G. Chambers School student, led the second playground’s ribbon cutting with their family.

“More than 100 students in pre-school through eighth grade will now have the ability to enjoy their new outdoor learning spaces,” said Patty Sly, executive director of P.G. Chambers School. “We will continue to find additional ways to ensure our students are receiving the best possible opportunities to learn and grow.”

To view pictures from the Playground Ribbon Cutting, visit our Facebook page.

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