THE POWER OF 60! #GivingAvalanche

August 12, 2015
Last week, we entered the final two-month push of our Power of 60 Campaign, celebrating the school’s rich 60-year history. We created a corresponding video, showcasing and featuring the school’s tremendous work, the dedicated staff and and the unique and talented students, whom we service each and every day. You can view the video here:
[wpvideo FUnCCqJs]
The 60th Anniversary of the school is special and significant in that when we launched the campaign last year, in the fall of 2014, the nation was also celebrating the 60th anniversary of Brown v. Board of education, a historic ruling which stated emphatically that all children had the right to an equal education. While this Supreme Court decision did not address the rights and needs of children with disabilities, it paved the way and set the precedent and tone for P.L. 94-192 enacted in 1975, and subsequently re-authorized as the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 1990, with the legislation celebrating a milestone anniversary this year, in 2015, as well.
To date, we have surpassed the 50% mark in our effort to raise $300,000 to commemorate the school’s 60 years of dedication and service to children with special needs and disabilities. We have had the privilege and honor of working with trustees, staff, students, families, parents and other members of the P.G. Chambers School community in achieving this goal, and we look forward to working with many more of you in the final two months of this campaign.
So how can you help? First, please take a moment to donate now, if you haven’t already. Once you’ve donated, share this campaign with your networks (families, friends, colleagues, etc.) by email, social media, texts or phone calls. Remember, you and your “team” can donate as much or as little as you want, as many times as you want. Every donation is significant – from $6 up to $600 or more! The most common mistake in fundraising is neglecting to ask for a donation so don’t feel shy. You can find an template to use for outreach at the bottom of this post.
In addition, “like,” share and retweet our content on Facebook and Twitter. This is also a great way to stay on top of the latest and greatest from P.G. Chambers School AND, as an added bonus, we will award the top 4 PowerPlayers for the final two months of this campaign with two (2) tickets to one of our annual fundraising events: the Golf Classic, Menus for the Mind Luncheon Series, Casino Night, or the Walk.Run.Fun 5K. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and give! #summergiving, #givingavalance, #powerof60
EXAMPLE TEMPLATE: Please feel free to amend this template.

Dear (Name),

In 1954 the power of a small group of parents convinced an entire community to support a school and therapy center for children with disabilities. Today, 60 years later, that power has made P.G.Chambers School a leader in special education and therapies for over 800 children each year. As you may know, I have been involved in this campaign by giving myself.

The Powerof60 Campaign was launched to celebrate those 60 extraordinary years and take us forward for many more. My role is to ask you to join the campaign in two ways, make and gift and pass it on. The chart below, explains how very easy it is for a small group of people to do extraordinary things with a gift of $6, $60, or $600.


(Optional) Your gift of $6, $60, $600, or $6,000 can help me reach my goal of raising $_____ for the school.

To donate, simply click on this link , complete the online donation form.

My second request is that you “pass it on” by asking your family members and friends network to consider a gift to the school as well. Simply copy this email links and send away!

Following, sharing, liking and retweeting from the school’s Facebook page and Twitter account are also great ways to tell your friends and family about the school .

I thank you in advance for helping me with this important effort.

Best regards,

(Your name)

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