May 20, 2020
Dear Friends and Families:
We hope you are doing well!
Our School, Community Services, and Early Intervention programs continue to run remotely. The kids, families, and staff are all doing an impressive job making this work so well. Many thanks to all of you for flexibly and creatively making such an important investment in our kids’ success!
While we are now well established in our routine of providing distance learning and therapy, we are readying ourselves for re-opening once we get the go-ahead from the State. Implementation will require lifting of the school closure executive order, the reopening of child care centers, and many changes to how we do our work. The plan is being informed by the CDC, the State, the NJ School Nurses’ Association, and ASAH, and is being developed with input from our medical director and the local department of health. Meanwhile, the plan that is guiding us now, can be found HERE
*Please note, the plan has been updated and the new plan, for fall 2020, can be found here
In other news, our development team did a tremendous time converting our Menus for the Mind event into a virtual celebration of our 65th anniversary. If you missed it, you can still enjoy the show. To view the virtual Menus for the Mind event, click here:
We value your partnership now more than ever. If you have any questions or concerns, please call us! I can be reached at (973) 829-8484, ext. 111.
Take care and be well,
Patty Sly
Executive Director