
With thanks, P.G. Chambers School Power Players

25.11.2014     PGCS   No comments

November isn’t just about pumpkin pie and autumn leaves, it’s about giving thanks! This month we want to thank all the Power Players with a special spotlight on Peter M. Crimi.

As a true power player, Peter brought the Powerof60 campaign to Heroes Journey Crossfit in Parsippany, NJ for a PGCS Power Day! Peter along with his personal trainer developed a workout of the day themed to the Powerof60. On Monday, November 10th, Peter along with members of the PGCS Development Staff spoke to eight classes about the Powerof60 campaign and the school’s programs and services for children with disabilities.

peter and gene

Fellow gym member, Gene Fitzpatrick was so inspired by Peter’s story, he dedicated a workout to the success of the Powerof60. He has pledged to perform one burpee (exercise movement) for every $1 donated at Heroes Journey Power Day. To-date Peter’s Powerof60 campaign has raised $1,315. Way to go Peter and Gene!

Start your own Power Play today and support the Powerof60 anniversary campaign.  We can’t wait to see what the PGCS community can do this year!

Click here for more info on how to donate, create a team, and become a power player! Thank you to all the Power Players #powerof60

Ian Agrafiotis
Nancy Altshuler
Karen Amidon
Francisco Arteaga
Tina Baker
Joanne Balady
Barbara H. Barkley
Nicole Barone
Jane E. Bauer
Jennifer Becker
Eileen K. Bevan, D.C.
Kelly Bretz
Anthony Bonanno
Pat Budis
Maya Buono
Kris Burfitt
Michelle Burke
Amanda Carter
Barbara Carter
Jennifer Carter
Patti Chambers
Nancy Chan
Michele D. Codrington
Jon Collins
Peter M. Crimi
Crossfit Lake Arowhead, LLC
Andrew Cruz
Al Daily
Christine Dam
Julia D’Amico
Caroline Daus
Jaroslava Dearstyne
Phoebe Desantis
W. Dobbs
Stephanie F. Donato
Lesley Draper
Elaine Dwyre
Margey Dwyre-Daily
John Daily
Dara A. Ely
Kristine Z. Emmitt
Christian Ericson
Angela Fahey
Carolyn Fahey
Chris Favorito
Gene F. Fitzpatrick
Barb Flynn
Deena Freid
Austin Gabrielli
Tom Gargiulo
Christine Gilfillan
Joan Gillis
Martha Gilmore
Errol T. Giordano
Renee Gitto
Bill Grassmyer
Rosa M. Greenwaldt
Anne Grimes
Dennis Gustafson
Colleen Halvorsen
Dana M. Hall
Daniel Harbison

Jeff Harmon
Nancy Haroldson
Chris Haroldson
Kristin Hassett
Deirdre M. Hatfield
Christina Hayes
Karen Hertel-Koenig
Amber Hummer
David Hurwitz
Robert C. Iannaccone
Deborah Ingersoll
Brenda S. Jaarsma
Mark Jezyk
Diane Judge
Linda Kaugher
Connie Keller
Laura Kijanka
Spence Killam
Elit Kirschenbaum
Kristina Kiviharju
Lindsay A. Kramer
Susan C. Kloss
Elizabeth Kraft
Katelyn Kung
Carrie Kurtzman
Catherine Lasso
Catherine Lee
Pui Lee
Diane Leiher
Christine Lenthe
Jason Lerner
Carrie Leshin
Brian Lewis
Reagan Limbert
Salvatore Locascio
Donna Lohmeyer
Jason Lysherko
Christina Macasieb
Anthony Maceroli
Thomas Maisano
Shamila and Ziad Malik
Sharmin Malik
Lacey Malloy
Erin Manahan
Frances McCarthy
The MCJ Amelior Foundation
Marylyn L. McLaughlin
Lynn Miller
Kathy Molnar
Amanda Montrose
Shameika Morant
Paul Morfogen
Morne Family
John R. Mulhearn
Alison Murray
Adrienne Myeroff
Kevin Myeroff
Randy Myeroff
Anna Pace
Lynne T. Pagano
Robert Pakonis
Mindy Papetti
Carolyn Pascale
Elizabeth Paulino
Neil Paulino
Aileen Philbrick
Michael Philbrick
Anna Philhower
Rosanne Pignio
Lynne B. Pinto
Frances L. Powell
Sharon Romano
Linda S. Russell
Sue Rehnquist
Marianne W. Saladino
Wendy Sanford
Susan D. Seamans
Nadine O. Simms
Kristin Simonini
Nancy Sniffen
Kristen Snyder
Lenka and Pavel Srnensky
Tiffany and Pavel Srnensky
Christopher Stepien
Vojtek Surowiec
Michael J. Thunell
Maireace Togneri
Uta Totton
Aaron Turner
Angela Valerio
Laura Valerio
Michael Valerio
Debra Van Fleet
Lisa Vanderhoof
Danielle Viola
Andrew Waters
Therese Weiss
Margaret Whelan
Mike Winters
Holli Wright
Carolyn Young
Nicholas Zaky

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